Monday, September 30, 2019

The Fall of the City

These were rounded by humbler dwellings made from matchboxes and the covers of exercise books. The streets and alleys were full of nobles, peasants and soldiers, their two- dimensional bodies scissors from paper, theirs faces and clothing drawn in crayon and lead pencil. From the turreted roof of the palace, hung a green, white and gold atrocious, the flag of the Kingdom of Pauli Somber gray eyes glinted in teddy's pale, triangular face. He shoved his hands deeper in the pockets of his worn khaki shorts. He decided that what he heard was not the rattle of rain on the roof and window, but the muffled roar of distant cannon.The armies of the Emperor Gang of Donovan were attacking the fortifications on the Upland frontier! Teddy inhaled deeply and held his breath, his thin chest pressing against his sweat shirt. His Majesty King Theodore l, resplendent In the red and black uniform of a generalissimo, emerged on the balcony of his winter palace In Thoroughbred, capital of the Kingdom of Pauli. Through the square below rode squadrons of lancers, dragoons and hussars, batteries of horse artillery; behind them marched regiments of infantry. Grasping the diamond-studded hilt of his sword. King Theodore watched his army march out to give battle to the enemy.This would be the third war between Donovan and Pauli. The first had been fought in the year 2032 and had ended in the defeat of the Emperor Gang and his imprisonment on the Isle of Hawks. But he had escaped through the treachery of Kill, Duke of Enders, a general In the upland army, and In 2043 the Donovan had invaded Pauli a second time, aided by the renegade force under the command of Kill. This time, they conquered Thoroughbred and massacred the populace before being routed by King Theodore. On the day of victory, the Duke of Enders was roughs to Thoroughbred in chains and hanged in the city square.The Emperor Gang was as evil and cunning as the If Munch about whom Teddy had read in books. Tow, astride a black wa r-horse, he directed his troops as they besieged For Lion on the Ocarina River. Hopelessly outnumbered, the defenders rallied behind their commander, Duke Lanai of Carla, and prayed for the coming of King Theodore . . . â€Å"Teddy! † FIFO He opened the door. Mien? † he called sulkily. â€Å"Come down here this minute and get ready for supper! How many times do I have to call you? † â€Å"Okay, okay, I'm coming'! † -?And be quick about it! † â€Å"I'm coming', I told huh! She stood in the hall, a tall, stooped woman with tired, suspicious eyes. â€Å"Seems to me that you're spending a lot of time in that attic. † She wiped red, swollen hands on her apron. Mimi been into some mischief up there? † He shrugged impatiently. â€Å"I anti been doing' nothing' -? Just playing',† he told her sullenly. â€Å"Well, young man, you better wipe that scowl off your face and march to the bathroom and get ready for supper. † miss, ma'am,à ¢â‚¬  he enunciated carefully. During supper, he was scarcely aware of what he ate; he was so deep in thought hat his pork chop tasted no different from his whipped cream and Jell.Mechanically, he obeyed his aunt when she told him to take smaller bites and to take his elbows off the table. He was pondering on the tactics that would have to be used by King Theodore in relieving the siege of the fort by the river. If the Upland army crossed the Tableland marshes, they might succeed in encircling the Donovan, but there was the risk that their cannon would founder in the morass. On the other hand, if they scaled the Theodore mountains †¦ â€Å"Look what you're doing, for heaven's sake! † His aunt glared at him. Don't say ‘huh† when you answer me. Look what you've done!You've spilled cream all over yourself. † Blushing, he rubbed at his sweat shirt with a paper napkin. â€Å"He's got his head in the clouds again. † His uncle laughed mirthlessly. â₠¬Å"Half the time, he doesn't know whether he's living on earth or on Mars. † Out of the corner of his eye, Teddy looked at his uncle's round, florid face and reflected on the resemblance to Kill, Duke of Enders. â€Å"Well, he'd better smarten up if he knows what's good for him,† his aunt grated. â€Å"If he doesn't, I know something that will smarten him,† his uncle said. He laughed gain and reached for another helping of potatoes.Behind him, cloudy white marbles of rain slid down the window. Suddenly, a cold shiver ran down Teddy's spine. What if the Donovan attacked Thoroughbred while the king and his army were in the mountains? Old Gang was cunning as a serpent. If .. â€Å"He spent most of the afternoon in the attic,† his aunt said. His uncle gave him a disdainful look. â€Å"He Just about lives up there, doesn't he? † miss. I think it's about time that one of us went up there and found out what he's been doing. † â€Å"No! † Teddy cried sharply. His uncle laid down his knife and fork. Look here mister, I don't like your tone of voice.Have you been up to some of your monkey-shines up there? Mimi better not be, not if you want to be able to sit down the rest of the week. † The man resumed eating. â€Å"After supper, I'll take a look and see Just what you have been doing,† he said. As his aunt gathered up the dishes, his uncle went into the living room and sat down in his easy chair to read his newspaper. Teddy sat by the window and looked out at the rain. The sodden grass of the lawn had turned a darker green and foaming rivers of rainwater ran down the street. He shut his eyes. Here in the kitchen, he loud not hear the strumming of the rain on the roof.There was no rumble of Donovan cannon. He frowned and rested his chin in an upturned palm. Anyhow, the cannon were only playthings: scraps of cardboard held together with cellophane tape. What did it matter if his uncle saw them, or even destroyed them? But it did matter. Thoroughbred had been growing for a year and , often, it seemed more real that the town, the street and the home in which he lived with his uncle and aunt. Muffed better get at your homework. You won't get it done by sitting there mooning out the window,† his aunt told him. Mien. He fetched exercise books and spread them on the table.His aunt and uncle did not mean to be cruel, he knew. From time to time, by their acts and words, they showed that they were fond of him. Twice that summer, his uncle had taken him trout fishing and on both occasions there had been something subtly warm between them. And sometimes he detected a hint of affection in his aunt's voice even as she nagged him. But . His uncle stood in the doorway between kitchen and living room, his shoulders shaking with laughter. Muffed never guess what that kid has been doing up there! † He shook his head in ender and amusement. Teddy flushed and stiffened.His aunt turned from the sink where she was drying the last of the supper dishes. â€Å"What's he been up to, now? † mound never believe it, but that great big lummox has been playing with paper dolls! † â€Å"Paper dolls! † his aunt laughed dubiously. â€Å"They anti paper dolls,† Teddy mumbled. He pushed his chair back from the table and stood up. â€Å"They looked pretty much like paper dolls to me. Paper dolls and doll houses. And eleven-year-old boy! † The man choked, trying to restrain his laughter. â€Å"The next thing we know, you'll be wanting us to put skirts on you! † l never heard of such a thing.Paper dolls! † â€Å"They anti dolls, I told you! † Teddy's fists were clenched, his arms stiff by his sides, his voice shaking. His uncle pointed a warning finger. â€Å"Don't get saucy now, mister. I know paper dolls when I see ‘me. † Once again he burst into laughter. His cheeks were the color of a tomato. â€Å"Sit down and finish your homework, Teddy,† his aunt said. To his surprise, her voice was not harsh: it contained a suggestion of weary sympathy. He resumed his returned to the living room and picked up his newspaper. Paper dolls! His uncle had said that he should be dressed in skirts and hair boons.And he could never explain; they would never let him explain. Theodore, King of Pauli, and all his armies -? paper dolls! He slumped, doodling on the paper before him so that his aunt would think he was working. Yes, they were paper dolls. There was no king Theodore, no Emperor Gang, no Thoroughbred, no Pauli, no Donovan. There was only an attic full of preposterous cardboard buildings and ridiculous paper people. It was still daylight when he finished his homework. The rain had stopped, but water still poured from the elms along the street.When Teddy went through the paving room, his uncle did not speak, but he glanced up from his newspaper and grinned slyly. The boy was blushing to the roots of this hair as he opened the hall door and started up the stairs. The city was as he had left it. Yet everything had changed. Always before when he had come here, his flesh had tingled, his eyes had shone with excitement. Now there was only a taste like that of a spoilt nutmeat. He bent and seized the cardboard palace. Gritting his teeth and grunting, he tore at its walls. The corrugated board was sturdy: he was crying by the time he finished tearing it to shreds.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analytical Essay Super Size Me Essay

Welcome to At the Movies on ABC 1 and as usual I’m your host, _______. Tonight we’ll be reviewing the socially critical 2004 documentary, â€Å"Super Size Me† directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock. The film documents the 30 day period in which Morgan Spurlock ate three meals a day consisting of nothing but McDonalds whilst following these four rules: he can only eat things on sale, he must super size his meal if asked, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and lastly he must restrict himself to the ‘average’ amount of exercise, typical of the American population. It also documents the drastic effects this lifestyle has on Spurlock’s physical and psychological, wellbeing, and explores the fast food industry’s corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit. I found this documentary to be quite enjoyable and it was an overall quality film. â€Å"Super Size Me† was fun to watch with i ts colourful graphics and catchy lyrics which drew the audience closer and focused them on what Spurlock was representing. The documentary was effective in creating shock and disgust within the audience to further help the audience agree with and accept Spurlock’s views. The narrative structure of â€Å"Super Size Me† was built around a central enigma, this being the obesity crisis facing the American people. The documentary follows a format, showing the audience Spurlock eating McDonalds food and then feeling sick because of it and then followed by footage of Spurlock seeing a specialist to inform both Spurlock and the audience of the many health risks this diet is inflicting on Spurlock. The documentary then proceeds to show such things as what school canteens are serving kids at school. This is meant to shock the audience and position them to believe what is happening to Spurlock and his health after eating fast food will also happen to the kids who are eating unhealthy and processed meals at school every day. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) Spurlock’s purpose in this documentary was to in form and position the audience to accept his views on America’s obesity epidemic. Read Also:  Analytical Essay Topics This was achieved through cunning and intelligent choices as to what was filmed and what was cut out. He had also employed a number of other techniques such as camera angles, shot composition, editing and intentional use of music to accompany the visuals. Through these techniques Spurlock has effectively positioned the audience to accept his views on America’s aforementioned obesity epidemic. Spurlock has positioned the audience to accept a somewhat version of the truth as not all sides of the story are given a voice. The way in which Spurlock presents himself to the audience has also deliberately been altered to position the audience to coincide with the attitudes he’s presenting throughout the documentary. Spurlock intentionally wore relaxed clothing and spoke directly to the audience in order to position the audience to feel comfortable accepting Spurlock’s attitudes towards America’s obesity crisis. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) To further position and help the audience connect with Spulock, he has introduced them to his fiancà © who’s a vegan chef which will be in juxtaposition to the unhealthy food served by most fast food restaurants. These inclusions have positioned the audience to feel close and trusting of Spurlock so that his opinions could be accepted. The use of irony during this documentary has been used because if the audience finds something humorous and therefore having a positive reaction, they are more likely to accept what is being represented. The use of irony was used throughout the documentary in such scenes as when Spurlock was referring to his headaches, stomach aches and general sick feeling from the food as McHeadaches and a McTummy. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE)This positions the audience to react in a way which enables them to accept the Spurlocks view on how McDonalds is affecting his health and how it’s making him generally sick. The audience is positioned to accept certain views without hearing or seeing the other sides of the argument. Spurlock has used bias by silencing or tarnishing the credibility of certain interviewees in interviews. When Spurlock interviews the CEO of McDonalds Australia, Guy Russo, the use of higher camera angles and editing positioned the audience to disagree and view what Guy Russo said negatively which in turn has led to the audience viewing poorly of McDonalds even though they were not completely silenced. Spurlock has also positioned the audience to accept the opinions and beliefs of the three medical specialists who are monitoring Spulock’s health throughout the ‘experiment’. The use of eye level camera angles positions the audience to feel equal with the specialists as they present their opinions and to immediately believe and accept what the specialists are saying due to the camera angles and their superior level of education within the medical field which once again positions the audience to accept their attitudes. The included footage has also been deliberately used to further position the audience to accept Spurlock’s views on America’s fast food industries and how their corporate profit is weighted over the health of their consumers. Footage of the many advertisements and meals which are specifically positioned at kids were intentionally shown to position us to believe McDonalds is using these things to appeal to and lure the kids in. This then results in the audience being positioned to reflect poorly of McDonalds and their constant need of profits which are put over the wellbeing of their customers. Frequent shots of Spurlock without a shirt have intentionally been included to show the weight he may or may not have gained as a result of his high fat intake diet. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) This positions the audience to once again think poorly of McDonalds and the food they are serving as they are seeing the drastic effects that accompany Spurlock’s heavy McDonalds diet. Wh en the interviews between Spurlock and the three health experts took place, key terms where placed on the screen so that they were imprinted into the viewer’s mind. These key terms included: â€Å"poor nutrition† and especially â€Å"Addiction† which led the audience to believe how fast food is affecting the health of Spurlock and to view the companies behind the food negatively without taking into consideration the amount of fast food he is eating and how often it’s being eaten. The music and soundtrack within this documentary often complements the visuals, making it easier for the audience to accept the visuals or the lyrics of the complementing soundtrack. During the opening menu of the documentary and closing credits the â€Å"Super Size Me† song was played and the colours of the menu reflected the colours of the American flag. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) This song was co-written by Spurlock and included phrases such as: â€Å"Super size me – the American way† and â€Å"everything’s bigger in America†. These lyrics were intentionally used as they position the audience to accept that the American culture is the result of the American fast food industries influence on the American society whether it’s a positive or negative influence. Overall the documentary was very enjoyable to watch and I found the footage rather shocking and attention grabbing at times. It was a very informative and eye opening documentary with a numerous number of techniques which position the audience to accept Spurlock’s views on America’s thirst for profits which have sadly resulted in the percentage of obese citizens growing at an alarming rate. However, the use of the included techniques and selective editing resulted in a documentary which lacked objectivity. This lack of objectivity effected the audience’s perception of fast food companies and how they might consider an alternative choice when deciding to dine at McDonalds or any other fast food ‘restaurant’. Overall I gave this documentary, 3 out of 5 stars as it was enjoyable to watch but at times I felt as if I was being positioned and the whole ‘experiment’ was over the top as someone coming from eating healthy vegan foods is obviously going to have a dramatically negative reaction to fatty fast foods, which is skewing the audiences perception of fast food companies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

American Medical System (Is or not) broken Essay

American Medical System (Is or not) broken - Essay Example When all these aspects are put together, the American health system is deemed broken. This paper is going to give its focus on the broken American health care system. Furthermore, this paper will highlight the reasons behind having a broken health care system in the United States. In this paper, I ask; why is the American health care system broken? Reasons behind the American Broken Health Care System The broken American health care system can be attributed to various reasons. It is apparent that the American health care system is a complete paradox. This is because in regards to technology in medicine as well as the disease scientific understanding, the United States is a leader. Doctors in America are the best paid in the world. Despite all these privileges, the Americans are still not the beneficiaries (Gumbel). Gumbel continues to argue that the healthcare system is run by insurance companies that are profit-propelled thus making the system be inefficient and more expensive, besi des being dehumanizing. America’s expenditure on healthcare is two and a half times that of Britain, and twice as much as that of France. However, the health care system is on a meltdown in almost every key indicator in public health sector, high infant mortality rate when compared to other developed countries like Britain. There has been no serious debate on healthcare system in America since 1994 when Bill Clinton was the president and his wife Hillary Clinton failed in her attempts to overhaul the health system. About 45 million American citizens are not insured (Garson). This number includes 10 million children (Gumbel). Gumbel continues to remark that the growing numbers of uninsured is unacceptable in any civilized society, more so not in America. Analysts had predicted that the American health care system would be broken, come the year 2011, and the government would have taken measures to avert the situation before it happens. For instance, Bolen, a consumer advocate, had remarked in 2004 that everybody was aware that the U.S Medicare system would experience a meltdown in 2011. According to him, the healthcare care system was going to be unaffordable to most Americans. Bill Frist, the majority leader of the senate and a heart specialist physician, gives scary Statistics on the American health care system. The statistic show that America spends about 15% of its overall income on health issues. This is higher than other developed nations. In this regard, when broken down, America spends approximately $5,540 annually on every man, woman and child (Broder A24). Similarly, health care costs are experiencing four times increase when compared to wages. Broder predicted that in 2006, the cost of health care coverage sponsored by the employers would be at $14,500 per family. However, the health stakeholders and the government did not do anything to prevent the situation from taking place. In 2003, the Census Bureau stated that about 44 million Americans w ere rendered without health insurance in 2002. Amazingly, the number of uninsured has been on the increase to approximately two million people every year. A consumer group known as Families USA reported that about 82 million Americans did not have health insurance cover in 2002/2003 period, most of them for a period not less than nine months (Broder A24). Furthermore, The American Journal of Medicine, as

Friday, September 27, 2019

Evaluate for<< V for Vendetta>> Essay

Evaluate for> - Essay Example In the essay we read of an individual who stepped up toward there game eventually risking his own life  so the citizens that he represents would have the said freedom that was deserved. In the essay, we evaluated the V for Vendetta text by looking into aesthetic and practical criteria such as plot, characters, visual, costumes, music, directing, dialogue, entertainment values, acting abilities, or specific skills demonstrated by the characters. When a subject matter is evaluated, the audience should be provided with an overall claim, supporting evidence, and concluding based recommendations. Therefore in summary form, this essay evaluate the V for Vendetta movie based on character traits, lessons depicted and quotes used. In 1603, aman known as V decided to destroy their parliament through use of Gunpowder Plot. In this movie, Director James McTeigue portrays how the Britain regime was corrupt and full of dictatorship. However, a freedom fighter called V decided to bring this totalitarian Government into the heels by using gunpowder. In the process, Chancellor Adam Sutler known as John Hurt decided to take power and ended up instilling fear on the London’s citizen so that they can know who is in power and therefore not judge him on corruption deeds. However, the main character in the movie known as v is heard saying that â€Å"Remember, remember the Fifth of November,† meaning that at that day, the London based citizens should take to streets and protest against their regime without fear or contradiction (Criteria for Great Movie 2014). Before sending his message on live based television, the chancellor faced a lot of challenges among them killings occurred with doctors who were in the detention based center where William Rookwood changed his name to V.V decided to take revenge against the doctors and the government because of the killings and torture of great Britain people. On his mission, V meets a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Functions of Management are Evolving in Todays Business Environment Research Paper

Functions of Management are Evolving in Todays Business Environment - Research Paper Example The contemporary managers are anticipated to take lead in the development of sound business solutions, as well as the eventual development of the considered business working policies. This has been weighed against the performance policies adopted by the firm. Contemporary managers have proceeded to create an atmosphere for idea brainstorming as well as the pooling of knowledge. This attribute has been used to steer the firm towards its considered path of success. This is unlike the policies adopted by the traditional managers who were deemed as the source of the policies with the staff being anticipated to proceed with the enactment policies. The role of managers in the shaping of the ethics has been mapped along both the implementation and the oversight. The managers have been anticipated to presume the lead in the development of the respective ethics policies, as well as their implementation. The managers take the initiative of implementation the ethics policies. This allows the rest of the staff an opportunity to be considered on the benefits of the respective policies, as well as considering the contribution they stand to offer towards the bettering of the workplace. The managers allow for the development of this reflection. Additionally, the concept of illustrating the guide for the rest of the employees remain best described via the actions of the managers. The Managers allow for the reflection of the model that is anticipated to be expressed in character reflection. Additionally, the managers are anticipated to be keen on ensuring that the rest of the staff remain committed to the ethics policy adopted by the firm. This is with respect to the prospective role they presume in the guiding of the considered staff. The managers are tasked with the promotion of the adopted habits in the workplace. Ethics comprise of such habits and govern the behavior of the respective employees. The staffs operate under the guidance of the managers, hence their contribution to the shaping of the behaviors of these persons.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Special Topics in International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Special Topics in International Relations - Essay Example the purpose of development would cause an increase in the planet’s temperature, increases in sea level, changes in precipitation patterns, depletion of ozone layer, loss of natural habitat of millions of species of plants and animals, loss of water resources, loss of bio diversity, increase in incidents of extreme weather such as heat waves, soil erosion and increased pollution (Watson et al, 2003). The development is changing the earth’s environment at all levels. At the local level the environment is at risk due to air, soil and water pollution. At regional level there is a threat of acid rain and land degradation. Finally at global level there is a massive climate change and a loss of biodiversity. All these changes have been attributed at a large level to the various development projects that are meant to provide better life and alleviate poverty. Unfortunately these projects are having a negative effect on the ecosystem, water resources, human health, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. It is estimated that the development projects will have further negative consequences in the future (Watson et al., 2003). Environmental issues are very important for the third world countries. A clean and healthy environment reflects a clean and healthy nation. Natural environment is a source of natural income for the people of the poor countries. Many people are dependent on natural resources for their income. If these resources are taken away it will definitely be a big blow for the poor people. At the same time environment protection is very important for economic growth of any country. If people continue to use and pollute natural resources the country would suffer economically and will move away from development. Therefore it becomes very important to protect the environment (The World Bank Report, n.d.). Here it would be pertinent to discuss the case of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a poor country and a large section of its population is dependent on fisheries for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analysis on the medieval play Noah's Flood Research Paper

Analysis on the medieval play Noah's Flood - Research Paper Example Her character is belittled in the play as a woman who lacks wisdom, foresight and who is not submissive to her husband. Her reaction suggests that she likes gossiping with her friends and actually seems to prefer to stay on with them as opposed to going into the ark with Noah. According to her, her friends are the people who truly love her and care for her and she believes she is the only one that can ensure those friends are saved (Page 314: 200-8). In the case of Noah’s wife, the hierarchical trends in society are bucked to the extent that Noah appears to be a henpecked man who submits to the will of his wife; hence it is his wife who appears to have authority in their household. For example, despite her resistance to going into the ark, Noah is concerned about her and asks his sons to bring her on ( He says: â€Å"Welcome wife, into the boat† (Page 315:245) but Noah’s wife’s reaction is to give him a sharp slap, with the response, â€Å"Have thou that for thy note!† (Page 315:246). Noah does not retaliate as another man would have done, to put his wife in her place with sharp, belittling words or physical violence. He winces at the slap he receives and says, â€Å"Aha Mary, this is hot!† (Page 315:247), but merely continues â€Å"It is good to be still.† (Page 315:248). The play about Noah’s Flood is very important in the religious context, because it sets out various themes that are later also replicated in the Bible. The inclusion and depiction of the character of Noah’s wife is significant, especially when compared to Adam and Eve. Noah appears to be like Adam – a godly man with a rebellious wife. Noah’s wife’s resistance to going into the ark appears to symbolize the sin of mankind ( In a similar manner to Noah’s wife refusing to go into the ark, man also refuses to turn

Monday, September 23, 2019

Market Analysis & Industry Analysis Tablet Market Term Paper

Market Analysis & Industry Analysis Tablet Market - Term Paper Example The globally competitive nature of the modern business environment makes it very relevant for companies to put in a lot of efforts into their marketing. This is because through marketing, they are presented with opportunities that make it possible for them to identify the right people within the competitive market who can be strategically presented with what the company has (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Marketing also sets the pace for companies to develop the best forms of strategic options that help in making them competitive as against their core competitors with whom they are in the same market with (Adcock, Halborg and Ross, 2001). With this said, it will be appreciated that marketing is a very broad and relatively generalized concept for any company. It is for this reason that aspects of marketing must be clearly defined in order to make the most of the concept. In this paper, two very important areas of marketing are focused and these are market analysis and industry analysis. Ma rket and industry analysis can be said to be part of the overall research and development (R&D) component of marketing where companies get to study and understand their market and the industry within which they operate in a better way through critical evaluation of market and industry variables (Kotler and Keller, 2009). In this paper, some of the areas that are given include product category, market segmentation, competitors, and product positioning.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sound of Thunder Essay Example for Free

Sound of Thunder Essay The story is about traveling in the time. It takes place in 2055; a Time safari INC company provides a time traveling machine to its customer, so they can travel in time and go to million years ago. Eckles, who was the first character of the story, decided to go to million years ago to hunt gigantic animal. He believed he can be the first person who has hunted the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The most important point of the story is how the slight occurrence could change the future and affect the earth and people who live in the future in long term. The company sent Eckles to the past with Mr. Travis who was the safari guide in to the past and Lesperance who was Mr.travis assistant. They told Eckles that he must not go out of the path. Moreover, he couldn’t shoot any other animals except those that had been marked. Some animals had been observed by the guides of traveling in to the past and they realized that they will die soon by nature accident. By the time Eckles saw the dinosaur he got scared so much and panicked; therefore, he went out of the path on accident. Travis was so mad at Eckles because he disobeyed him and stepped out of the path. He threatened Eckles that he either will take out the bullet from Tyrannosaurus’ body, or he will shoot Eckles. Travis explained them they can’t leave anything in the past because they don’t know how it will affect the future. He believed that killing even a mouse or destroying a plant could ruin nature circle and influence next fauna’s generations. When they came back to their own time they realized slight differences. Spelling was different; the reception looked slightly different. Also the result of the recent election had changed. And a guy, whom they believe is dictator, won the election. Eckles looked at his boot and saw the mud on it. When he looked more closely he noticed that he stepped on a butterfly. Travis became so furious when he saw the dead butterfly and figured out it caused all the changes; therefore, he shoot Eckles.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Crowd Management in Sport Facilities Essay Example for Free

Crowd Management in Sport Facilities Essay When conditions or circumstances warrant substantial levels of wariness, crowd management as a consequence becomes prudent. The key in getting a safe and comfortable environment for large packs of people is in planning for their management. There is considerable prominence on crowd management planning and implementation since it is important to provide a safe environment for everyone. Crowd management must take into account all the rudiments of an event especially the type of event, for example a circus, sporting, concert, or carnival event. It must also view characteristics of the facility, dimension and demeanor of the crowd, methods of entry, communications, crowd control, plus queuing (Herb, 1998). As in all management, it must also include planning, arranging, staffing, directing in addition to evaluating. Crowd management is best defined as every element of the game or event from the design of the stadium to the game itself as well as the protection of the customers from unforeseeable risk of danger from other persons or from the actual facility itself. The main criteria for gouging if crowd control procedures are sufficient and suitable depend on the kind of event, threats of aggression, existence and sufficiency of the emergency arrangement, expectation of crowd size in addition to seating arrangement, known rivalries among teams along with schools, and the use of security personnel (Herb, 1997). Crowd management is therefore paramount in sports facilities and venues because of the large masses that throng such places. Some facilities involve more sport management than others, thus would require more crowd management during functions. Venues should be primarily assessed for safety and its ability to hold large crowds. From the evaluation, the results should be processed, conclusions drawn, proposals made and a report written to all parties involved. The team that carries out such a task should be well trained in this area and used to dealing with all sorts of events, particularly sports. Reference Herb, A. (1998) Risk Management in Sport: Issues and Strategies. London, Carolina Academic Press Miller, L. (1997) Sport Business Management. New York, Jones Barlett Publishers.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Societal And Cultural Norms Of Sexualities Sociology Essay

Societal And Cultural Norms Of Sexualities Sociology Essay Sexuality is believed to be shaped by social and cultural norms; however, it is also recognized that sexuality is shaped by other social differences such as gender, race/ethnicity and class. In general, norms are identified as social rules and expectations which guide individual or group behavior. Many cultures reflect their social norms on sexuality by identifying what is considered as normal and acceptable sexual behavior within society. According to Costa and Wood (2005, p9) sexuality is an integral part of the human experience with physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual dimensions. While deeply personal, sexuality occurs within specific social, economic, cultural, political and religious contexts. These contexts, in turn, strongly shape an individuals sexual experience through possibilities and limitations, as well as structuring their social outcome. In order to understand sexuality and how it is shaped, we must identify other forms of social and cultural contex ts in which it is constituted. This essay will illustrate sexuality through social and cultural norms. I will discuss the impact of socially constructed sexuality, which is ultimately shaped by certain forms of social differences. In saying so, the endeavour over sexuality is deeply significant, as it not only demonstrates how societies behave towards one another, but how societies are able to maintain acceptance to coexist. The function of norms is to coordinate the expectations in individual interactions; as norms impose consistency of behavior within a given social group, but often vary substantially among groups (Durlauf Bloom 2008). In saying so, all human sexuality is socially constructed though a wider spectrum; shaped by social differences in gender, class structure and specific historical stipulations. Most cultures contain social norms with regard to sexuality. Particular guidelines are put forward to be followed and obeyed in order to be socially accepted. Abiding by social norms, maintains an individuals acceptance within a group; alternatively, ignoring the social norm puts an individual at risk by becoming unaccepted or in extreme situations even becoming a social outcast. For instance, it is suggested that sexual acts are ranked hierarchically. The positive social norm is identified as a heterosexual marriage, which ultimately ranks at number one on the top of the hierarchy. Consequently, masturbation, homosexuality, adultery and other sexualities that deviate from societal norms are ranked closer to the bottom, with very little or no tolerance at all. One approach that focuses primarily on the sociology of sexuality is sexual scripts. Flood (2010) states that sexual scripts are guidelines that help define who, where, when and why individuals have sex. They are social rules, regulations and roles which guide appropriate and acceptable sexual behaviour. Sexual scripts come from various sources such as; family, peers, media and institutions. Kornblum (2008, p203) suggests that the concept of sexual script is a metaphor that helps explain differences between sexual expectations and actual sexual conduct. Research has indicated that most people have not memorized actual scripts to guide their sexual activity, but they do have definite ideas about sexual conduct that influence the way they sexually behave. The concept of sexual scripts emphasizes the social and cultural influences on sexual behaviour and this is seen more influential as opposed to the biological and natural framework of sexuality. Another form of representation shaped by society is gendered constructions of sexuality. The development of sexuality is reflected by gender. Gender differences in sexual behaviour are often included in gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure and intimacy. Sexuality is generally constructed through, fantasies, and desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. The modern ideology of sexuality is that lust is the province of men and purity that of a woman. Flood (2010) illustrates several examples regarding gendered scripts for sexual relations as; male sexuality is seen as uncontrollable, sex is organized around mens pleasure, women are objects rather than subjects of sexuality, women as the gatekeepers and the guardians of sexual safety and health, and sexual double standard and the policing of female sexual reputation. Parker and Aggleton (p,170) express the socially constructed assumption that even pornography and pervasions have been considered part of a male domain. It is apparent that gender differences and inequalities exist; ideologies have claimed that women as opposed to men should be pure prior to marriage. Ilkkaracan and Jolly (2007) argue the norms around sexuality and what is considered acceptable according to context. They suggest that in many cultures there is a huge pressure to be married and sometimes forced to an early marriage. Other kinds of sexual behavior such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender are discouraged by social stigma with legal penalties made apparent. A commonly shared ideology is to be a proper man or proper woman and to conform to gender stereotypes and express desires for or have relations only with people of the opposite sex. In the early eighteenth century distinctive minorities emerged and were labeled as homosexuals. However, society emerged and opposed their sexuality, and drew the line with social norms. This was perceived as a taboo to traditional masculine behaviour. Men are generally assumed to have greater access than women to the pleasures of sexuality. This is socially constructed though ideological perspectives that men; are risk takers, insensitive, sexually sinful, have a high sex drive and sexually experienced. On the other hand, the gendered constructions of womens sexuality represent them as innocent, sensitive, slut or frigid, responsible with regard to pregnancy and STIs, passive in sex, seduced and ignorant (Flood 2010). Although apparent social and cultural norms create gender differences in sexual behavior, it is believed that womens sexual experience is coming closer to mens. This is due to the sexual revolution and womens movements (Flood 2010). However the gender inequalities continue to be present, with men in contrast to women having more pleasurable sex. Further closely related to this concept is the theory of the sexual double standard. Although it is recognized that the primary principle is that all people, regardless of th eir gender, class, age, religion, marital status and race/ethnicity have the right to decide on their sexuality. The term double standard is a set of principles or provisions, generally situated to social norms and is perceived as either acceptable or unacceptable. Kornblum (p,406) describes sexual double standard as the belief that women must adhere to a different more restrictive social or moral code than that applied to men. The sociological view on double standards is shown to suggest that sexuality is divides women in to good if they are wives and virgins, and bad if they are sexually active and prostitutes (Randall Waylen p,86).However mens sexual behavior is free of social constraint. Flood (2010) describes two standards of sexual behaviour, one for men and one for women, associated with having sex and various sexual partners. Additionally, womens sexual behavior is socially policed and highly controlled in comparison to mens. Further, women who are sexually active are believed to be sluts as opposed to men who are known as studs. Consequently, sexual reputations are socially controlled ; this can be to an individuals advantage or disadvantage, depending on the gratification of the social norms.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Desire To Escape Dreary Dublin :: Essays Papers

A Desire To Escape Dreary Dublin In James Joyce’s literary works, Dubliners he attempts to depict Ireland and the city of Dublin and the people living there in the early nineteen hundreds. His purpose in writing this book is to depict the people of Ireland in this time and show the troubles they faced. In the stories, â€Å"The Boarding House,† â€Å"A Little Cloud† and, â€Å"The Dead,† characters are dealing with similar problems: a need to escape their life’s responsibilities. The characters desire to be free by means of escape. In â€Å"The Boarding House,† Doran desires to remain free and escape any type of responsibility involving marriage. In â€Å"A Little Cloud,† Little Chandler is struggling with being a husband and a father and the responsibility that coincides with it. Finally, in â€Å"The Dead,† Gretta wishes to escape through thoughts to a past love, who is now is deceased. It is evident in all three stories that there are themes of responsibil ity and escape. The characters in the three stories share the same desire: freedom through escape of their life responsibilities. In the story â€Å"The Boarding House,† the theme of desire to escape is clearly seen. Bob is involved with a teenager Polly, daughter of the Mooney family. Bob Doran is very reluctant to accept any type of responsibility involved with a relationship with Polly, especially the idea of marriage. â€Å"Once you are married you are done for† (61). Doran wants to escape the problems in life that he has gotten himself into. He contemplates the responsibilities that would be in his hands if he were agree to marriage, he has also thought about what others may think of this. â€Å"His instinct urged him to remain free, not to marry† (61). When the time comes for Bob to discuss his future plans about marriage with Mrs. Mooney, he desires nothing more than to escape his own life: â€Å"He longed to ascend through the roof and to another country where he would never hear again of his trouble, and yet a force pushed him downstairs step by step† (63). In the â€Å"Boarding House,† the theme of responsibility is also very prevalent. Although Bob is very unsure of everything he still feels he needs to be responsible and keep his word. Bob is aware that he is partly responsible for the relationship that has been taking place with Polly. He weighs and measures the positives and negatives of going through with marriage.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Drop The Bomb? Essay -- essays research papers

U.S. History - Grech Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan, Justified?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On August 6th and 9th of 1945 U.S. bombers dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing utter destruction and many deaths. These bombs were dropped as the Pacific battles of World War II were coming to an end. Soon after Japan surrendered, ending the war. But, was the use of atomic warfare necessary? Was it too harsh and cruel to the Japanese? The first question was whether or not to drop a bomb. The effects of atomic warfare had not been known and studied, but it was apparent that it would be a good tool in ending the war. The first bomb did appear necessary to ending the war. It would put Japan in check to bring a quick finish to the fighting, saving many lives, as well as prevent the Russians from joining the Pacific War. The second on Nagasaki, however was obviously not. It was handled foolishly, in that the Japanese were not allowed enough time to surrender and it seemed like a big sick experiment. The United States of America was justified in dropping the atomic bomb on the island of Hiroshima, but not justified in doing the same to Nagasaki.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the war scientists had been involved in the notorious Manhattan Project, the production of the atomic bomb. In three years the U.S. was ready to test the first atomic bomb, and did in Alamogordo, New M...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ideas of Charles Cooley

Charles Cooley was born on 17th August 1864 and died on 8th May1929. He was George Mead’s contemporary, and each greatly influenced the other’s thinking. Like Mead, Cooley believed that social interaction is the basis of the socialization process. Cooley saw the individual and society as parts of a whole, not as separate entities. In Cooley’s theory, each individual is linked to the social world mainly through the looking glass self. His own self-examination and observation of his children aided him in forming his concepts of the looking-glass self and primary groups.This essay focuses on the looking glass self theory of Charles Cooley and his other ideas. Sociologist Charles Cooley is best known for his concept of looking glass self, the theory that self-image is formed largely by the message we get from others, and an individual’s interpretation of those messages. Cooley argued that a person’s self grows out of a person’s transaction with o thers. One’s consciousness of him or herself is a reflection of the ideas about him or herself that he or she attributes to other minds; thus, there can be no isolated selves.In other words Cooley says that we see ourselves as we think others see us. For example, when learning table manners children develop a sense of what others find acceptable and as they a taught they become socialized. Through the looking glass, we learn that we are intelligent or dull, attractive or unattractive. Cooley argues that the judgments of some people in our lives are more important than judgments of others, for example a spouse’s compliment or low opinion may have a greater effect on someone’s self perception than the same comment made by some stranger.The lingering influence of significant of others helps explain how we can sometimes maintain a positive self image at times when many people look down on us, or negative self image when many people think well of us. The looking glas s self is a simple and domestic metaphor for the way society’s image for us becomes incorporated into our own self image. The looking-glass self begins at an early age and continues throughout a person’s entire life as one will never stop modifying their self unless all social interactions cease.We do not see ourselves us through the eyes of others quite as literally as we see ourselves in an actual mirror. Our notion of how others see us may not be quite accurate and we may also be evaluated differently by different people. What others think of you is no doubt very important in making your self-image and as a result, who you are and what you do. According to Cooley, we gain a definition of our self in three steps: firstly through the beliefs about how we appear to others, secondly through the beliefs about their judgments of how we appear to them and thirdly the response to the imagined judgment.Through the imagined judgment we develop pride, shame, improved self-este em, slightly damaged self-esteem, and other attributes of the self. Once Cooley had established his theory of the self, he then focused his analysis on the human groupings that he conceived to be primary and secondary in linking man with his society and in integrating individuals into the social fabric. Cooley defined primary groups as those small groups in which all the members have enduring, intimate face-to-face interaction and cooperation. Cooley coined the term primary for these groups because they include the family, our first social group, and social linkages.Close friends, children’s play groups, and perhaps some neighbors and some work groups also constitute primary groups. As Cooley explains, primary groups are important in forming the social nature and ideals of individuals. In primary groups, members value each other as individuals and achieve from personal fulfillment. They do things that will benefit the group, without expectation of payment or self-serving bene fit. Example, one member of a family might wash laundry or perform housework that benefits all members.On the other hand, secondary groups are larger groups in which all members do not interact directly and have relationships that are not permanent. Members do not share intimate bonds like those in primary groups. People do join these groups for benefits in some way. They may leave the group or join other groups when they feel like it is necessary. However, these groups may still have some shared norms and sense of group identity. Examples of secondary groups include office workers and students in an exercise class. These groups are also important to our views of ourselves, but less to the primary groups.The notions of the looking-glass self and the primary group are closely related in Cooley's views. The reactions to the thoughts of others is the mark of the mature human and according to Cooley can be developed and fostered only in the close and intimate interactions of the primary group. Hence, this group is the cell in which characteristically human growth takes place. In the primary group the immature and self-centered person is slowly attuned to the needs and desires of others and becomes fitted to the give-and-take of mature social life.The primary group fosters the ability to put oneself into the position of others, drawing the individual out of egotistic isolation by building into him that sensitivity to the clues of others without which social life would be impossible. The differences between primary and secondary groups are as follows, primary groups are smaller because it consists of few members and this helps develop its members personal relations among themselves while secondary groups are larger and due to its size the members do not have personal relations. Relation is natural in primary groups and formal in secondary groups.Also the position of members is determined by his work or function in secondary groups but in primary groups, the position of each person is determined on the basis of the family. Cooley’s sociology is holistic. He stressed about the systematic relationships between social processes in society. He argued that each aspect of society was dependent on others for its growth and survival. If we say that society is an organism, we mean that it is a complex form of processes each of which is living and growing by interaction with the others, the whole being so unified that what takes place in one part affects all the rest.In addition to these essential concerns, Cooley, like W. I Thomas & George H Mead made a crucial important contribution to sociological method. Independently of Max Weber but roughly the same time as he, they argued that the study of human actions must be concerned with the meanings human actors attach to the situation in which they find themselves hence the study must go beyond purely behavioral description. Cooley believed that the social sciences deprived themselves of their best m aterial by leaving out human motives for action.Cooley emphasized that the study of the human social world must be centered upon attempts to examine the subjective meanings human actors attribute to their actions, and that such meanings must be studied in part through ‘understanding' rather than through exclusive reliance on the reporting of behavior. Cooley's theories provided evidence in response to a threefold necessity that had developed within the society. The first of which was the necessity to create an understanding of ocietal phenomena that highlighted the subjective mental processes of individuals yet realized that these subjective processes were effects and causes of society's processes. The second necessity examined the development of a social dynamic conception that pictured states of chaos as natural occurrences which could provide opportunities for â€Å"adaptive innovation. † Finally, a need to demonstrate that people were capable of exerting some form o f â€Å"informed moral control† over current problems and future directions.In conclusion, Charles Cooley is known in sociology most commonly for his development for the looking glass self. Cooley was one of the first to define the exact importance that society plays in forming the individual. He was also renowned for discovering human groups within the society stating that there are primary and secondary groupings that link man to society each having different, however, similar functions. Moreover, he argued that society is like an organism in the sense that each aspect of society is dependent on the other in order to survive.Furthermore Cooley argued that the study of human actions must be concerned with the meanings humans attach to the activity. Finally, Cooley’s theories provided evidence in response to a threefold necessity that developed within the society – necessities to create an understanding of social phenomena, a necessity that examined a social dyn amic conception and a need to demonstrate that people were capable of exerting some form of informed moral control.Bibliography Coser L. A, Masters of Sociological Thought, 2nd Ed, Aarcourt Brace & Company, New York, 1977. Levine, D. N, Visions of the Sociological Tradition. The University of Chicago Press, 1995 Starks, R. Sociology. 10th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007. Stolley, K. S, The Basics of Sociology, Greenwood Press, Westport Connecticut, 2005

Monday, September 16, 2019

Immigration and Islam Netherlands and France

Immigration and Islam in France and the Netherlands After the post-war, WWII, era Europe faced a shortage of labor, at the same time it had to rebuild its infrastructure and economy. France and Netherlands both faced the same problem and like their counterparts in Europe they found the answer in guest-workers. These guest workers were immigrants from former colonies and other developing countries. However, these guest-workers later settled down and brought their families. This led to a larger influx of immigrations. The largest, most significant, and most controversial are the Muslim immigrants. This study will focus on the different approaches of integration France and the Netherlands have implemented, the growing discrimination of Muslim immigrants, and the role Islam has in this dilemma. France had a long colonial history in the Maghreb, North Africa, mainly Algeria. To fill in this gap many male immigrants flocked to France in need of work. There was also a large immigration from the Mediterranean, Turkey, in this case. The largest make-up of French immigrants have been Algerians and others from the Maghreb. Netherlands, similar to the French had immigrants from the Mediterranean, Maghreb, and former colonies (Surinam and Antilles); the largest group being Turkish and Moroccan immigrants. These immigrants became a large factor in the rebuilding of the economy but as the economy slowed immigration became more of a problem for Western European countries. France proposed an assimilation model, where it endorsed pluralism in the private sphere. The Laicite, the separation of Church and State/private and public played a large role in the French system of assimilation. In the public sphere you were expected to be French in language and ideals. The private sphere was left for your own beliefs and customs. This can be seen in the expression of symbols in the public schools, where wearing the veil is not allowed because it threatens this division of public and private. However, this still doesn’t explain the dilemma that many second or third generation French citizens from immigrant backgrounds face. Even though they are â€Å"French†, they are not accepted by the system—accordingly because they still aren’t â€Å"French† enough. This creates disparity on both sides; the French politicize this dilemma by taking a harder stance on immigration and assimilation, giving rise to far-right parties like National Front under Le Pen. (GS, page 123) The immigrants unfortunately at times result to violent riots in protest and anger at the discrimination they face. The end result being stricter immigration regulations, more assimilation, and seeing â€Å"Islam† as incompatible to European standards. The Netherlands have the same end results but have come to them from a totally different background. The Netherlands has endorsed a multicultural integration from the beginning. (Coenders, M. , Lubbers, M. , Scheepers, P. , & Verkuyten, M. (C. L. S. V)) The Netherlands have been one of the foremost in democracy and liberalism, ranking third in the world. Its capital, Amsterdam, is the hub liberal and free lifestyle. Since the 2000’s homosexual marriage and euthanasia have been legalized. (GS 192) Compared to France’s full assimilation the Netherlands has put forward a multiculturalism approach, however this has taken a drastic change in the last decade, especially against Muslim immigrants. In the early 2000’s Pim Fortuyn, a leader of anti-immigration and pro-assimilation party (Liveable Netherlands and latter List Pim Fortuyn), voiced his opinion on Islam being a backwards religion and a threat to liberal European/Dutch ideals. Even though both countries had different policies of integration they both ended up in the same situation against Muslim immigration. How can these phenomena be explained in these democracies that embrace liberal ideals? For it was France, that in 1789, coined the motto, â€Å"All men are born free and equal†, but now it can be seen that some men are born more free and equal than others. The realistic conflict theory explains this situation as a reaction to materialistic scarcity; jobs and housing. In the post-war era there was a surplus of jobs and also the need of cheap labor, the immigrants rushed in and filled these positions. However, after the slowing of the economic boom employment became scarcer. This led to higher un-employment rates and the native citizens started to see immigrants as a threat, leading to discrimination and pro-assimilation. Though this does explain a significant factor, there is still the growth of anti-Islamic sentiments. The Muslims aren’t the only immigrants in France or Netherlands, but they are the ones who face the blunt of the attention. (C. L. S. V) So the realistic conflict theory falls short in explaining this. More than Two Decades of Changing Ethnic Attitudes in the Netherlands, a study done to explain the attitudes the Dutch had on immigration, saw that social and ideological contents also affect peoples outlook as much as materialistic means. (C. L. S. V) This gives explanation to far-right parties such as List Pim Fortuyn and Le Pen. The parties that use anti-Islamic and anti-immigration sentiments as political platforms, they play on the fears’ of the people. Yet, how is it that these fears can grow and flourish in such liberal and democratic societies, the â€Å"Heralds of Democracy†? People fear what they don’t understand. Islam is this â€Å"other† and the media and politicians play on this. The Muslim immigrant populations don’t help either because they themselves are in a transition phase. They are trying to find a way to live with an Islamic background and Western ideals. Some see total assimilation as an answer others find a compromise and yet others turn to radicalism. This struggle has been going on since the mid-19th century, between the â€Å"West† and Islam. Some essentialists like Huntington and Fukuyama, see this as the next power struggle for the â€Å"West† after the fall of the Soviet Union, â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations†. According to some 9/11 and other terrorists acts just prove this theory, however even though there are radicals, they are in the minority. The majority of Muslims don’t have problem with the â€Å"West†, most even are pro-Western, they support democracies and liberal views. Maybe, it is not the same as Europe or America but they are trying to find the middle ground and negotiate between the two. This is no different for the immigrants in France or Netherlands. Ahmet Yukleyen in his study of social movements in the Netherlands has focused on Turkish immigrants and the role religious movements have played a role in their lives. His studies show that there is not one Islamic front in Europe or a â€Å"Euro-Islam† as some have supported. Even though the Islamic community is one ummah, they all interpret and practice Islam in slightly different ways. The fundamental tenets are the same, but Islam is flexible according to time and place; taken from a historic or even contemporary perspective this can be seen. Euro-Islam† was supposed to be the liberal Islam for European standards, the Islam with lacite, secular Islam. This view has been supported by pro-assimilates, like France. However, this didn’t turn out to be true because it would have compromised too much from Islam, it would no longer be â€Å"Islam†. What happened, like in the Netherlands, was th at people joined different social/religious movements and institutions. This was truer for second and third generation Turks, who felt the need of religion more than Turkish nationalism in their lives. They saw themselves as Dutch, liberal and democratic in their views but still Muslim. Yukleyen, names a few organizations, like Milli Gorus, the Gulen Movement, and Suleymanli. Each movement represents different set of ideals but each represents a facet of Islamic life in Europe. It also shows that Muslims can negotiate between European and Islamic ideals, finding a niche their society. Not only that, but by having dialogue and inter-faith organizations an atmosphere of tolerance and multiculturism can flourish. Maybe, dialogue and negotiation is the answer to the dilemma facing Europe and the Muslim immigrants, the inability to understand one another. Work Cited Coenders, M. Lubbers, M. , Scheepers, P. , & Verkuyten, M. (2008). More than Two Decades of Changing Ethnic Attitudes in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Issues,  64(2), 269-285. doi:10. 1111/j. 1540-4560. 2008. 00561. x. Maillard, Dominique (2005). The Muslims in France and the French Model of Intergration. Mediterranean Quarterly. Yukleyen, A. (2009). Localizing Islam in Europe: Religious Activism among Turkish Islamic Organizations in the Netherlands. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs,  29(3), 291-309. doi:10. 1080/13602000903166556. E. Gene Frankland. (2009). Global Studies Europe. McGraw Hill Companies.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Self management competencies education essay

IntroductionCompetences are underlying features that lead to superior public presentation in an person. They include qualities, accomplishments, properties and traits that help people to be successful. Competences are capable of being developed in people instead than being fixed. This competence development is largely developed through Personal & A ; Professional Skills. Personal & A ; Professional Development is basically an avenue of learning professionals how to develop their professional accomplishments, concentrating on what we do and how we do them. Personal and Professional Development is critical for the development professional abilities in every person and I am non an exclusion. This is because in professional development, a individual ‘s security does non lie in the occupation or administration they work for but in the accomplishments, cognition and experiences that they have within themselves ( Megginson & A ; Whitaker 2007 ) . This shows the necessity to increase o ne ‘s cognition through specialised and consistent instruction in one ‘s profession. This work will demo how the faculty Personal and Professional Development has affected my professional accomplishments. In making that, we shall discourse briefly how the five competences have affected my professional accomplishments but there will be in-depth account on ego development competences. The grounds for taking ego development competence are due to its importance in the development of my professional accomplishments and because I noticed after the survey of the faculty that I need so much betterment in the competence. In my acquisition analysis, I will critically analyze the faculty and demo how it has impacted on me positively or otherwise, identifies my countries of strengths and failings and develops action programs to better on my strengths and make off or at least better on my failing and thenceforth conclude.Analysis OF MY LEARNING ON THE MODULEBefore the analysis of my acquisition in this faculty, I will briefly define acquisition. Learning is an acquisition of cognition or accomplishment that enables us to gain something new, or be able to make something we have n't done earlier ( Diana Winstanley, 2005 ) . Learning is geting facts, accomplishments and methods ( Saljo 1979 ) and it is the procedure whereby cognition is created through the transmutation of experience ( Kolb 1984 ) . Harmonizing to Honey and Mumford ( 1986 ) , there are four different larning manners ( militant, pragmatist, reflector and theoretician ) . Learning is besides reassigning cognition into action- it is about deve loping competency and being able to set the cognition into pattern. I will besides foreground what is expected in all the five competences and associate it to my acquisition in the faculty.SELF-MANAGEMENT COMPETENCIESUnder this competence, we have larning penchants, perceptual experience, values, pull offing emphasis and personal resiliency. In larning penchant we mean how do you desire to larn best: hearing, reading on your ain or other agencies. Perception merely means the manner you see things. Valuess harmonizing to Rokeach, 1973 are desirable, trans-situational ends that vary in importance as steering rules in people ‘s lives. Personal resiliency is our ability to resile back, or even turn, in the face of force per unit areas and menaces. Stress is defined as â€Å" the mental and physical status that consequences from a sensed menace or demand that can non be dealt with readily † ( Furnham 2005 ) .INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCIESInterpersonal competence is the ability t o associate and understand others. Here scholars try to see things from other people ‘s point of position in order to understand how they think and feel. An interpersonal competent individual attempts to keep peace in group scenes and promote co-operation. An interpersonal competent individual is Self-assured, self-asserting, Influence and persuade others, grips emotions and struggles really good and above is a squad builder.SELF DEVELOPMENT COMPETENCIESWhen we talk of ego development competence, we mean competence in developing one ego. Some of the things that come to mind there are puting accomplishable ends, having feedback, motive, self revelation and brooding thought.Personal LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIESHere we talk about what is in a individual that make him or her a good leader. Its competences include power ie power to take, influence and trust ( Being able and prepared to follow a figure of ways to derive support and influence diverse parties, with the purpose of procuring betterments ) , empowerment ( endeavoring to ease others ‘ parts and to portion leading, fostering capableness and long-run development of others ) , emotional intelligence ( ‘the subset of societal intelligence that involves the ability to supervise one ‘s ain feelings and others ‘ feelings and emotions, to know apart among them and to utilize this information to steer one ‘s thought and actions ‘ ( Salovey and Mayer 1990, pp.5 ) ) and leading manner.ENGAGING WITH OTHERS COMPETENCIESIn prosecuting with others competences, we have valuing diverseness which made me gain that people are different. Valuing diverseness is of import, because the increasing globalisation in the universe requires more interaction among people from diverse civilizations, beliefs, and backgrounds than of all time before. Besides cultural consciousness comes to mind as civilization is a major beginning of single differences, which consequences in different personalities. P rofessionalism and moralss are competences that a professional can non play with. The merely means Department of State and don'ts in the profession, this faculty shows me that what keeps me in the profession aside my personal cognition and interaction, developing self, taking good is to cognize when I am either making short of what is expected of me or when I am over making it. This faculty at first seemed meaningless to me, the lone ground why I listened was that I was funny and that it is portion of my faculty, though I questioned its usefulness. But as clip goes on, it started droping, started going interesting, I started going aware of my developmental demands. The first category I attended was really deadening ab initio, but when category activity on larning penchants was given, I realise that I needed self-development and personal alteration ; which means that I had been in stage 1 of my personal and professional development ( being unconscious and unqualified ; Straangard, 1981 ) . Nevertheless, I instantly chose to develop myself because deep inside me I was motivated to larn and win ( Megginson et al. 2007 ) . In the class of my acquisition, I discovered so many things about myself that I did non cognize before. Typical illustrations are that I now know how to utilize feedback to develop myself efficaciously. I besides now know what it means to put a realizable end within realizable clip frame. Furthermore, my engagement in group work every bit far as I know has now made me whole by doing me cognize how to work in a squad with different people as the faculty boosted my assurance. The faculty has helped me to cognize my larning penchants as a reflector ( good hearer, thoughtful and analytical, adopts a low profile and likes to stall ) which I discovered after taking the trial on ‘knowing your acquisition manners ‘ . The benefit of cognizing this my acquisition manner is that â€Å" aˆÂ ¦it shifts the accent towards promoting a balanced attack to acquisition and, possibly more significantly, an expressed consciousness of the scope of attacks available to me the scholar † ( CIPD 2006 ) . What I have achieved in the manner I see things after this faculty can non be underestimated. The faculty has taught me how to see things non merely from my point of position but other people ‘s ain excessively. In footings of values, my value systems have changed. In the faculty, I saw what Kohlberg ( 1981 ) came up with as three types of personal values viz. ; Pre-conventional values -punishment, obeisance and opportunism ; Conventional values- ou tlooks and conformance ; and Post-conventional values -universal ethical rules. I besides improved on emphasis direction either my personal or people ‘s emphasis after analysing its definition by Ivancevich et Al. ( 1990 ) . They defined stress direction as â€Å" Any activity, plan or chance initiated by an organisation, which focuses on cut downing the presence of work-related stressors or on helping persons to minimise the negative results of exposure to these stressors. † As respects my interpersonal accomplishments, the group work in this faculty improved my ego assurance. We were given group work on single differences and to my extreme surprise ; my group chose to stand for the group. At first, I shivered and even said no, but after encouragement from the group members, I summoned bravery and represented. The feedback I got was really encouraging positive and I picked up from at that place. Thereafter, I have been able to speak or stand for other groups in the category in many occasions. The group work I have involved in this faculty has made me to cognize that I am non self-asserting plenty even when I know it all. It made me to understand clearly what averment ( saying clearly what I mean ) means as against entry or aggression ( coercing ) . I like taking a looking place, and this is one country I need to better on. As respects influence and persuasion, I noticed that I am non a really influential individual, I merely do my things my ain manner, b ut the faculty made me to understand that as a professional I need small of influence to win. Ironically, the faculty brought to fore my ability to manage emotion and struggle. During our category treatment on single differences, one of my group members was emotionally touch when he was told to be excessively aggressive ; I was thorough and careful to understand his emotion in other to decide his emotion. My attempt to command his emotion showed me my ability to manage emotion and struggle. In constructing my squad accomplishments, I listen carefully and avoid disrupting others. Sing the category activity on ‘Team function, self-perception Inventory ‘ , utilizing Belbin, ( 1981, 2007 ) construct of squad functions I discovered that I am a squad worker -co-operative, mild, listens, perceptive and diplomatic but indecisive in crunch state of affairss. This faculty ‘s first category group work activity made me to reflect on my squad accomplishments. I sat back and car efully listened and I merely made impact after careful consideration of other people ‘ side of concluding. One country of teamwork that gives me concern after the faculty is that I am loath to depute. This faculty has really opened my eyes on how to make squad work. As a consequence, my squad accomplishments have improved and feedback from friends and schoolmates have confirmed it. I need to work more on my end scene because it is really of import to my success in anything I do. It is truly an country of failing for me. The first group work activity in category on this faculty made me gain that. We were given a clip frame which I about missed because the end I set was non within the clip frame. Notwithstanding, I chose to develop my end scene and I set marks for accomplishment. Besides, there is demand for betterment on feedback. This is discussed in item below. The survey of PPD faculty has impacted on me how to utilize my power. My category group that I spoke for group proves that. Before that group work, I barely stand in forepart of people, non to speak of taking a treatment. Interestingly, I found out that my influential power is nil. The faculty besides gave me an penetration about my empowerment capablenesss. I found out that I have involvement in long-run development of others. My emotional intelligence ability was brought into bow with the survey of this class as could be seen in our group when person was hurt for being branded aggressive. This faculty made me cognizant of the construct of leading and I decided to cognize my leading manner by taking a leading trial online ( ‘what is your Leadership Style ‘ ) . I found out that my leading manner is participative and non-assertive. What I do is to listen more from the people I lead and speak less. My leading competence and accomplishments lies on my ability to transport everyone along by leting anybody that wants to lend to make so before I arrive at a decision. During our category treatment on attitudes and values, I was carefully and exhaustively elaborate our group points of position before my presentation. Valuing diverseness made realise that people are different when we were given group assignment. I encourage other people ‘s position, is non great surprise to me working together with my group on category treatment with careful and thoughtful mode in subject we are meant to discourse, I use the chance to set everybody together although we are from different background and civilization besides portion some similarities.COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT: SELF DEVELOPMENT COMPETENCIESThis competence is selected because of its importance in professional accomplishment development and I have needed to develop more here. Harmonizing to Wikipedia, personal/self development refers to activities that improve self cognition and individuality, develops cognition and potencies build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realisation of dreams and aspiration. When we talk of this competence, the things that come to our head are puting chiseled and realistic personal ends ; exposing a high degree of inaugural, attempt, and committedness towards finishing assignments in a timely mode ; works with minimum supervising ; is motivated to accomplish and demonstrates responsible behavior. Goal scene is a powerful technique that appears to work by supplying a way for our attempts, concentrating our attending, advancing continuity and increasing our assurance ( supplying we achieve the ends we set ) . Puting ends as my scheme for self- development is worthwhile and that is why I chose this competency. Before this faculty, I usually set ends which I noticed were non accomplishable, with completion of this faculty, I realised that my ends need to be SMART in order to be accomplishable. The SMART method assumes that ends should be Specific ; Measurable ; Attainable ; Relevant and Time edge. This faculty has made me to cognize that I can put ambitious marks and has helped me to demo finding to run into the ends as set. With the SMART method, I now take necessary actions to run into my ends ; place and use steps to track and quantify accomplishment, overcome obstructions to accomplishing ends and even utilize failure as an chance to larn. Self awareness/disclosure: This is ability to self-reflect and be cognizant of one ‘s interior province of being like interior feelings, dreams, relationships with others, strengths and failings. McCarthy & A ; Garavan ( 1999 ) defines Self-awareness as, â€Å" the image that an person has about him/herself and whether or non that image is accurate in comparing with how others perceive that single † . It involves self-efficacy, self-actualisation and self-concept. Self-efficacy is the extent to which a individual believes he/she can execute the behavior required in any given state of affairs ( Arnold et al. , 1991 ; Bandura, 1989 ) , self-actualisation is an active nisus for personal development which might affect researching one ‘s endowments, educating oneself and/or honing physical accomplishments ( Rogers,1961 ) and Self-concept, as defined by Hayes ( 1994 ) is the rating that persons make about their traits and personalities and the image that they have of the mselves. My research in the faculty showed me what it means for an person to develop an image of him/herself and certain nucleus facets of it as explained by Whetten & A ; Cameron ( 2007 ) . The self revelation accomplishments I learnt from the faculty include: Acknowledging ain strengths and failings, reflecting and analysing oneself, consciousness of interior feelings, desires and dreams, measuring thought forms, concluding with oneself, A understanding function in relationship to others. However, my larning on self-awareness, prompted me to utilize the johari window by ( Luft & A ; Ingham 1955 ) to cognize more about my personality by acquiring feedback from friends. The feedback about my blind ego was flooring to me because I ne'er imagined any of them ; nevertheless, it gave me penetrations on some of my strengths and failings. I truly found out that I need to work on myself revelation after having the feedback. Receiving feedback: A PersonA who has this competence seeks feedback on strengths and failings and initiates activities to increase or heighten cognition, accomplishments, and competency in order to execute more efficaciously or heighten calling. The individual receives feedback in a constructive mode, investigations for concrete illustrations and suggestions to better ain public presentation. The individual spends clip larning new information or thoughts and using them efficaciously, keeps up to day of the month in cognition and accomplishments and learns from successes and failures Receiving feedback include confer withing relevant beginnings ( e.g. , assessments, studies, pictures, client feedback ) to acquire insight into ain public presentation. Feedback is necessary because it is a moderator of end effects in that the combination of ends ( Bandura & A ; Cervone, 1983 ; Becker, 1978 ; Erez, 1977 ; Strang, et Al. ( 1978 ) . With this faculty, I found out that I need to make much more on having feedback. Before the faculty, I ask for feedback without cognizing the strengths in having it. Completion of the faculty demo me how I can efficaciously do usage received feedback in the undermentioned ways: I will larn from both successes and failures, Initiates project debriefs to clear up learnings-both what worked good and what could be done more efficaciously in the hereafter, Seeks both formal and informal development chances, Demonstrates a desire to execute above and beyond the demands of my place, Coaches others to concentrate on self-development, builds a civilization that encourages larning and uninterrupted betterment and self-critical by placing both my strong and weak points.Brooding thought:Brooding thought involves personal consideration of one ‘s ain acquisition. It considers personal accomplishments and failures and asks what worked, what did n't, and what needs betterment ( Given, 2002 ) . It is a portion of the critical thought procedure mentioning specifically to the procedures of analysing, measuring, and doing judgements about what has happened. The faculty made me to happen out that this property was about missing in me. I of course set ends, ask for feedback and is even motivated, but this faculty made me understand that most of my failures are because of absence of contemplation. If you non sit down to analyse what went incorrect you keep on doing same errors. With completion of this faculty, I now have effectual tool of uniting contemplation with feedback to acquire my extreme consequence. Motivation harmonizing to Robbins and Judge, ( 2009 ) is a procedure that history for an person ‘s strength, way and continuity of attempt towards achieving a end. Motivation Shows finding to accomplish ends over clip ; resists any force per unit area to be deflected from this attainment. Takes calculated hazards, based on acquisition and experience, to accomplish longer-term service betterments.DecisionThe importance of this faculty to my professional development can non be underestimated. It is like an oculus opener. It shows me what to make and what non to make as a professional, It shows me where to better my accomplishments to be great in my profession. In fact, I now understand that the route to professional success is non merely based on cognizing what to make, but cognizing how best to make it to acquire extreme consequence. I am peculiarly happy about my nowadays and likely hereafter betterment on myself based on what I now know about end scene, self awareness, feedback, motive and contemplation. Conclusively, with the class in general, I am now more equipt for the challenge in front non as a pupil but as a professional.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Soil Mechanics by Jerry Vandevelde

SOIL MECHANICS (version Fall 2008) Presented by: Jerry Vandevelde, P. E. Chief Engineer GEM Engineering, Inc. 1762 Watterson Trail Louisville, Kentucky (502) 493-7100 1 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying http://www. ncees. org/ 2 STUDY REFERENCES †¢ Foundation Engineering; Peck Hanson & Thornburn †¢Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations; Sowers †¢NAVFAC Design Manuals DM-7. 1 & 7. 2 †¢Foundation Analysis and Design; Bowles †¢Practical Foundation Engineering Handbook; Brown 3 Soil Classification Systems * Unified Soil Classification System * AASHTO Need: Particle Sizes and Atterberg Limits 4Particle Sizes (Sieve Analysis) (Well Graded) (Poorly Graded) 0. 1 5 Atterberg Limits Liquid, Plastic & Shrinkage Limits Plasticity Index (PI) PI = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit (range of moisture content over which soil is plastic or malleable) 6 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ASTM D-2487 7 8 Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn 2nd Ed. Effe ctive Size = D10 10 percent of the sample is finer than this size D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 03mm 0. 1 0. 1 9 Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) = D60/D10 Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = (D30)2/(D10xD60) D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 03mm 0. 1 10 Well Graded – Requirements 50% coarser than No. 00 sieve Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) D60/D10 >4 for Gravel > 6 for Sand Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = (D30)2/(D10xD60) = 1 to 3 11 Is the better graded material a gravel? 81% Passing No. 4 18% Finer No. 200 0. 1 0. 1 12 Gravel if > 50 Percent Coarse Fraction retained on No. 4 sieve % Retained on No. 200 = 82% 1/2 = 41% 19% (100-81) retained on No. 4 sieve (gravel) 19< 41 half of coarse fraction 81% Passing No. 4 18% Finer No. 200 ? sand 0. 1 (â€Å"S†) 13 Well Graded Sand? Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) > 6 = D60/D10 Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = 1 to 3 = (D30)2/(D10xD60) 14 D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 3mm 0. 1 Well Graded Sand? Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) D60/D10 = 1. 6/. 03 = 53 > 6 D60 = 1. 6mm D30 = 0. 2mm D10 = 0. 03mm Coefficient of Curvature (Cz) = (D30)2/(D10xD60) = 0. 22/(. 03Ãâ€"1. 6) = 0. 83 12% Passing No. 200 sieve: GM, GC, SM, SC 0. 1 >12% passing No. 200 sieve Since = â€Å"S† ? SC or SM 16 What Unified Classification if LL= 45 & PI = 25? From sieve data SC or SM 0. 1 A) â€Å"SC† B) â€Å"SM† C) â€Å"CL† or D) â€Å"SC & SM† 17 Unified Classification Answer is â€Å"A† ? SC 18 AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) 19 What is the AASHTO Classification? 65% Passing No. 10 40% Passing No. 0 18% Finer No. 200 1) 18 % passing No. 200 sieve 2) 65% passing No. 10 sieve 3) 40% passing No. 40 sieve 4) assume LL = 45 & PI = 25 20 18 percent passing No. 200 sieve; 65 percent passing No. 10 sieve 40 percent passing No. 40 sieve; assume LL = 45 & PI = 25 21 AASHTO Classification 1 2 3 4 4 1) 18 % passing No. 200 sieve 2) 65% passing No. 10 sieve 3) 40% passing No. 40 sieve 4) assume LL = 45 & PI = 25 22 AASHTO Group Index 23 Mass-Volume (Phase Diagram) †¢ Unit volume of soil contains: Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil – Air (gases) – Water (fluid) – Solid Particles 24 Moisture Content = ? eight of water/ weight of dry soil ? = Ww/Wd water loss/(moist soil weight – water loss) ? = Ww/(Wm-Ww) and ? =(Wm-Wd)/Wd 25 Mass – Volume Relationships Density or Unit Weight = Moist Unit Weight = ? m ? ?m = Wm/Vt = ? d + ? ?d ? = (? m – ? d )/ ? d ? ?d + ? d = ? m ? m= (1+ ? ) ? d ? d = ?m/(1+ ? ) b 26 Total Volume = ? Volume (solid + water + air) = Vs+Vw+Va ? Va = Vt – Vs- Vw Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 27 Relationship Between Mass & Volume Volume = Mass/(Specific Gravity x Unit Weight of Water) = Ws/(SGxWw) Va Total Volume Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 28Specific Gravity = weight of material/ weight of same vol ume of water Soil Specific Gravity Typical Range 2. 65 to 2. 70 Specific Gravity of Water = 1 29 Saturation = S expressed as percent S = volume of water/ volume of voids x 100 Total Volume Va Air Total S = Vw/Vv x 100 Ww Ws Weight Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Wt Soil Always ? 100 30 Porosity n = volume of voids/ total volume n = Vv/Vt Void Ratio e = volume of voids/ volume of solids e = Vv/Vs Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 31 What is the degree of saturation for a soil with: SG = 2. 68, ? m = 127. 2 pcf & ? = 18. 6 percent A) 88. 4 Total Volume VaAir Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight B) 100. 0 Wt Soil C) 89. 1 32 What are the porosity and degree of saturation for a soil with: SG = 2. 68, ? m = 127. 2 pcf & ? = 18. 6 percent = 107. 3pcf ?d = ? m/(1+ ? ) = 127. 2/(1. 186) Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Soil Ww Weight Wt Ws Ww = ? m- ? d = 19. 9 pcf Vw = Ww/62. 4 = 0. 319 cf Vs = ? d /(SGx62. 4) = 0. 642 cf Va = Vt – Vw – Vs = 1- 0. 319 – 0. 642 = 0. 039 cf Vv = Vw + Va = 0. 358 cf 33 What are the porosity and degree of saturation for a soil with: SG = 2. 68, ? m = 127. 2 pcf & ? = 18. 6 percent Vw = 0. 319 cf, Vs = 0. 642 cf, Vv = 0. 358 cf Total VolumeVa Air Total Degree of Saturation = Vw/Vv x 100 Ww Weight Wt Ws Vt Vv Vw Vs Water = 0. 319/0. 358 x 100 = 89. 1% Soil Answer is â€Å"C† 34 Ref: NAVFAC DM-7 35 Borrow Fill Adjustments Borrow Material Properties: ?m = 110 pcf & ? = 10% Placed Fill Properties: ? d = 105 pcf & ? = 20% How much borrow is needed to produce 30,000 cy of fill? How much water must be added or removed from each cf of fill? Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 36 Borrow Fill Adjustments Borrow Material Properties: ?m = 110 pcf & ? = 10% ?d = ? m /(1+? ) = 110/(1. 10) =100 pcf; Ww = 110-100=10 lbs Placed Fill Properties: ? = 105 pcf & ? = 20% Ww = ? x ? d = 0. 2x 105 = 21 lbs Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 37 Borro w Fill Adjustments Borrow Properties: ? m = 110 pcf, ? d =100 & ? = 10% Placed Fill Properties: ? d = 105 pcf & ? = 20% Since borrow ? d =100pcf & fill ? d =105pcf, 105/100 =1. 05 It takes 1. 05 cf of borrow to make 1. 0 cf of fill For 30,000 cy, 30,000 x 1. 05 = 31,500 cy of borrow Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 38 Borrow Fill Adjustments Borrow Material Properties: Ww = 10 lbs Placed Fill Properties: Ww = 21 lbs Water supplied from borrow in each cf of fill = 10 x 1. 5 = 10. 5 lbs; 21 lbs – 10. 5 = 10. 5 lbs short/1. 05 cf 10. 5lbs/1. 05 cy = 10 lbs of water to be added per cf borrow Total Volume Va Air Total Vt Vv Vw Vs Water Ww Ws Weight Wt Soil 39 Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships Establishes the unique relationship of moisture to dry density for each specific soil at a specified compaction energy MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 D ry D ensity (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) 40 Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships †¢ 4† mold 25 blows †¢ 6† mold 56 blows Standard – 5. 5 lb hammer – dropped 12 in – 3 layers Standard: ASTM D-698 AASHTO T-99 Modified: ASTM D-1557 AASHTO T-150 †¢ Modified – 10 lb hammer – dropped 18 in – 5 layers 41 PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST Maximum Dry Density – Highest density for that degree of compactive effort Optimum Moisture Content – Moisture content at which maximum dry density is achieved for 42 that compactive effort Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%)What density is required for 95% Compaction? What range of moisture would facilitate achieving 95% compaction? 43 Proctor: M oisture Density Relationships MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) 104 x . 95 = 98. 8 pcf A 95% B Range of moisture is within the curve A to B (14 to 24 %) 44 Proctor: Zero Air Voids Line Relationship of density to moisture at saturation for constant specific gravity (SG) Can’t achieve fill in zone right of zero air voids line ZMOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) 45 Proctor: Moisture Density Relationships MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) If SG = 2. 65 & moisture content is 24% What dry density achieves 100% saturation? A) 100. 0 pcf B) 101. 1 pcf 46 Proctor: Moisture Density RelationshipsMOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 108. 0 106. 0 104. 0 Dry Density (pcf) 102. 0 100. 0 98. 0 96. 0 94. 0 92. 0 90. 0 88. 0 8. 0 10. 0 12. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 20. 0 22. 0 24. 0 26. 0 28. 0 Moisture Content (%) X ?d=SG62. 4/(1+? SG/100) ? d=2. 65Ãâ€"62. 4/(1+24Ãâ€"2. 65/100) ? d=101. 1 pcf Answer is â€Å"B† 47 Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn Static Head 48 Calculate effective stress at point x Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn Saturated Unit Weight ? sat 5’ ? sat = 125 pcf Moist Unit Weight ? M Dry Unit Weight ? Dry 7’ Submerged (buoyant) Unit Weight = ? sat – 62. 4 x 49 Calculate effective stress at point x Ref: Peck Hanson & ThornburnTotal Stress at X 5’ ? sat = 125 pcf = 5 x 62. 4+ 7x 125= 1187psf Pore Pressure at X 7’ = 12 x 62. 4 = 749 psf Effective Stress at X = 1187-749= 438 psf x or (125-62. 4) x 7=438 psf 50 Ref: Peck Hanson & Thor nburn Downward Flow Gradient 51 Downward Flow Gradient 3’ Total Stress at X = 5 x 62. 4+ 7x 125= 1187psf Pore Pressure at X ? sat = 125 pcf 7’ = (12-3) x 62. 4 = 562 psf Effective Stress at X = 1187-562 = 625 psf 5’ x or 438 + 3 x 62. 4 = 625psf see previous problem 52 Upward Flow Gradient Ref: Peck Hanson & Thornburn 53 One Dimensional Consolidation ?e/pn 54 Primary Phase Settlement (e log p) ? H = (H x ? )/(1+eo) eo ? H H 55 Consolidation Test Pre-consolidation Pressure Cc = slope of e log p virgin curve est. Cc = 0. 009(LL-10%) Skempton Rebound or recompression curves 56 56 e- l o g p Calculate Compression Index; Cc 1. 50 1. 40 1. 30 Void Ratio (e) 1. 20 1. 10 ksf 0. 1 1 4 8 16 32 (e) 1. 404 1. 404 1. 375 1. 227 1. 08 0. 932 1. 00 0. 90 A) 0. 21 B) 0. 49 57 0. 80 0. 1 1 10 100 Pr essur e ( ksf ) Cc is the slope of the virgin e-log p e- l o g p Cc = -(e1-e2)/log (p1/p2) 1. 50 Cc=-(1. 375-1. 227)/log(4/8) Cc = 0. 49 Answer is â€Å"B† ksf 0. 1 1 4 8 16 3 2 (e) 1. 404 1. 404 1. 375 1. 227 1. 08 0. 932 1. 40 Cc Void Ratio (e) . 30 1. 20 1. 10 1. 00 0. 90 0. 80 0. 1 1 10 100 Pr essur e ( ksf ) 58 Permeability Constant Head Conditions †¢ Q=kiAt †¢ Q= k (h/L)At †¢ k=QL/(Ath) 59 If Q =15cc & t = 30 sec what is the permeability k=QL/(Ath) 10cm 5cm A) 0. 01 cm/sec B) 0. 01Ãâ€"10-2 cm/sec 25cm2 C) 0. 1 cm/sec 60 Constant Head Permeability Calculate k Q =15cc & t = 30 sec †¢ k=QL/(Ath) †¢ k= 15(5)/(25(30)10) †¢ k= 0. 01 cm/sec Answer is â€Å"A† 10cm 5cm 25cm2 61 Falling Head Permeability †¢ k=QL/(Ath) (but h varies) †¢ k=2. 3aL/(At) log (h1/h2) †¢ where a = pipette area †¢ h1 = initial head †¢ h2 = final head 62 If t = 30 sec; h1= 30 cm; h2 = 15 cm L= 5 cm; a= 0. cm2; A= 30 cm2; calculate k A) 2. 3Ãâ€"10-3 cm/sec B) 8. 1Ãâ€"10-6 cm/sec C) 7. 7Ãâ€"10-4 cm/sec 63 Falling Head Permeability k=2. 3aL/(At) log (h1/h2) k= 2. 3 (0. 2) 5 /(30Ãâ€"30) log (30/15) k= 7. 7Ãâ€"10-4 cm/sec Answer is â€Å"C† 64 †¢Flow lines & head drop lines must intersect at right angles †¢All areas must be square †¢Draw minimum number of lines †¢Results depend on ratio of Nf/Nd Flow Nets 6ft 2ft 65 Q=kia=kHNf /Nd wt (units = volume/time) w= unit width of section t=time Flow Nets 6ft 66 What flow/day? assume k= 1Ãâ€"10-5 cm/sec =0. 0283 ft/day Q= kH (Nf /Nd) wt Q= 0. 0283x8x(4. 4/8)x1x1 Q= 0. 12 cf/day 2ft Flow Nets ft 67 Check for â€Å"quick conditions† pc =2(120)= 240 psf (total stress) Flow Nets Below water level use saturated unit weight for total stress ?= 2(62. 4) = 124. 8 (static pressure) = 1/8(8)(62. 4)= 62. 4 (flow gradient) = 240-(124. 8+62. 4) 2ft 2ft 6ft p’c = pc -(? + ) p’c = 52. 8 psf >0, soil is not quick ?sat=120 pcf 68 Stress Change Influence (1H:2V) For square footing z=Q/(B+z)2 69 If Q= 20 kips, Calculate the vertical stress increase at 7 feet below the footing bottom 5’ 8’ 7’ 70 If Q= 20 k ips, Calculate the vertical stress increase at 7 feet below the footing bottom 5’ 8’ z = 0000 (8+7)(5+7) 7’ z = 111 psf 71 Westergaard (layered elastic & inelastic material) If B= 6. 3’ in a square footing with 20 kips load, what is the vertical stress increase at 7’ below the footing bottom? 72 Westergaard Q = 20 kips B = 6. 3’ Z = 7’ z = ? 73 Westergaard 7’/6. 3’ = 1. 1B z = 0. 18 x 20000/6. 32 = 90. 7 psf 74 Boussinesq (homogeneous elastic) Q = 20 kips B = 6. 3’ Z = 7’ z = ? 75 Boussinesq Z/B = 1. 1 z = 0. 3 x 20000/6. 32 = 151 psf 76 Thanks for participating in the PE review course on Soil Mechanics! More questions or comments? You can email me at: [email  protected] com 77